Black Orchid


I like to look at Orchids, but I really dislike having them in my home. I can never seem to create the right conditions for them to stay in bloom, and I don't have the patience to keep their ugly, bare sticks around while they are dormant. I've even come to resent them for their fussiness, and now I scoff at them whenever I pass by a florist. They are really striking flowers though, and perhaps one day I will meet an Orchid that doesn't require I bend over backwards to keep it blooming all year round.

I made this little guy after reading Black Orchids - a noir detective fiction from the Nero Wolfe Mysteries, by Rex Stout. Not sure where I will take it from here or what project it will be used for, or even if I like it enough to make more, but it's good to have the technique in reserve when the need arises.