Doll Shelf-life — Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova

Doll Shelf-life


Hola doll lovers! You may or may not have noticed, but this summer I literally put doll-making on a shelf and left it there for 3 months.

This little favourite of mine has been sitting on this shelf in her fancy Chinoiserie house robe for 2 months, with no one but a tin fish-pet for company. My lovely Pilea plant demonstrates the time's passage quite well, as it gradually swallows her up with its growing juicy foliage. Another month in this spot, and she'll disappear from view!

There have been some rumblings of discontent and a growing restlessness at my prolonged absence and 'abandonment', but I really needed this time off due to a quite severe burn out. I love making dolls, but that is not the only thing I love doing. There are numerous non-doll art projects that have been simmering on my back burner for several years because dolls always took priority. It got to the point where I could no longer paint another doll eyelash or sew another bead on yet another doll dress without feeling sad and resentful and pressured by expectations.

So, this summer of 2015 was my creative break from dolls and my indulgence in other art forms. I built furniture! I designed interiors! I reorganized and cataloged all my beads and began renovating my art studio. I delved into horticulture! I went on wilderness adventures! I hung out with friends, sometimes in the wilderness. I took (and passed) a swift river rescue certification course in Montana! I even ordered a colouring book on Amazon (Secret Garden by Johanna Basford) and spent days laying in the grass, sipping cold beer and blissfully colouring in somebody else's drawings without any concern for my doll output - something I would normally consider to be utterly pointless and detrimental to my productivity! But it wasn't - it was a pressure release valve.

And today I walked into my studio and noticed this doll on the shelf half-swallowed by a plant, and I thought:" Hey you. Long time - no see"...and I began to dream of dolls again.