My New Toys! — Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova

My New Toys!

airbrush-1096Aren't they beautiful?I've coveted an airbrush for years, but was always intimidated by the sheer coolness and sleekness of this little high-tech tool.I love tools because they provide my hands and imagination with a vehicle for expressing my ideas and realizing my dreams. I never hesitate to purchase equipment which will increase the efficiency and quality of my work, because I consider it a worthy investment in my career. So, understandably, I've become a bit of a tool junkie.The only reason I didn't already own an airbrush, despite wanting it for years, is because I couldn't justify the spending of significant funds, nor the time commitment it would require, on a tool that didn't really have a practical use in my doll-making methods. No matter how much I wanted it to, an airbrush just wasn't suited for my application and I really had no interest in using it for anything but dolls.Well, all that changed when resin Enchanted Dolls came into the picture and brought a necessity to expand my painting methods and techniques. Now, an airbrush is no longer an expensive novelty, but a necessary and a valuable tool in achieving my new creative goals. At least that's my hope. I hope it's everything it want it to be, because that neat little set up over there, cost me almost as much as one of my ceramic kilns. I've never actually tried airbrushing and don't even know if I'll like it.Yep, I may have just wasted a bunch of valuable resources, but it won't be the first nor the last time I do that in pursuit of a vision. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it as I go....and if I fail.....oh's full of risks.After all, what are the options - not trying?