My schedule announcement — Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova

My schedule announcement

Attention every one who wishes to order a doll from me: I've officially stopped taking orders until December 2008. I'll make another announcement about possible available slots for that month later on in the summer. Meanwhile, if you are interested in placing an order sometime in the future, email me. As some of you know i have to get ready for my upcoming shows in Europe in late 2008 and in the States in early 2009 and I simply don't have enough time for commissions.However, there is a good news too. You have an opportunity to win a FREE Enchanted Doll.On my next birthday I will be giving away one nude doll as a gift to honor the admirers of Enchanted Doll. My birthday is on March 16th, 2009 and that's when i will announce one lucky winner. To enter a contest to win one of my dolls you will have to become a member of Enchanted Doll Forum at the information regarding the contest will be posted on my site and the forum by the end of July 2008.