— Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova


My little Art Assistant, Gaia The Gremlin @all_my_snouts. She is very dedicated to her work of helping me stage doll photo shoots, and making sure I do a good job. She’s due for a promotion! Gaia is a Dog Meat Trade survivor from China, who was rescued from the slaughterhouse by @savingharbindogs, and I adopted her. Now she is my helper.


My little Gremlin is one of my 3 dog ‘assistants’. All were adopted. They have their own Instagram page @all_my_snouts, where I post something every day, so if you want to know what goes on behind the dolls, and how my dogs ‘assist’ me in my work, follow me @all_my_snouts. Dogs and dolls, is what I’m all about!