The grinding chamber! — Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova

The grinding chamber!


No, that's not a title of a campy horror flick, though blood does get spilled in there from time to time.

I finish my metal works in that invaluable little glass 'room', which contains the heavy dust and metal shavings until they get sucked up into the extractor. Before I got this baby, I would loathe the thought of doing metal finishing, as my desk and my whole studio would get very dirty and dusty, but since I got this chamber for my debris extractor, the cleanup is minimal and working conditions are safe. I love safety.

I bought the main plastic shell online, and then extensively customized it to fit my needs better, adding side walls and leather flaps. The problem is that it's plexy glass and it's starting to get really scratched up by all the high velocity debris flying around in there, and once it gets too cloudy to see through it, I'm going to have get a new one and customize it all over again.

Luckily my little grinding chamber still has lots of hours on it, which reminds me that I've gotta go back 'in there' and set some stones into the cone for the upcoming show doll in Berlin. Stay tuned for the pictures in a few days!