Vogue movie! — Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova

Vogue movie!


Hey everyone! I'm back from my summer vacation and I'm very tanned! Aaaand, I've finally created the ultimate summer vacation memory of running and jumping off the end of a dock into a lake for the first time in my life. I was only twenty or so years late for that event. It was profound, and pretty awesome.

In other news; I'm super excited to finally be able to share with you the accompanying movie from the photo shoot I did earlier this summer for Vogue Japan and... ta-da! Lux! This image here is a still frame from the movie. Watch the whole thing here. It was directed and shot by Lacey, who also shot my dolls for Vogue last year , while I animated them. The issue with the full spread is coming out this fall! I'll post more info soon. Enjoy the movie and please let me know what your favorite scene is. And then I'll tell you mine!